Monday, October 27, 2014

So That All Must See Jesus

That is the theme for our upcoming Diocesan Convention, November 8 & 9, 2014. OCW is a group that has been meeting over the past two years. One of our charges from Bishop Greg has been to find a way for more people to see Jesus. We must, as individuals and congregations, express our belief as practicing Christians to carry out our God given mission of our Lord and Savior to our communities and the world.

One of the most powerful reoccurring themes was a passionate personal faith and a compelling purpose ... a clear WHY? ... personal and corporate growing out of that faith. We each answered our clear personal why be defining “why I am a Christian”.

For me it was joining a youth group at St. Marks Episcopal Church in Hood River, Oregon, and at the age of 11/12 attending Ascension Summer Camp at Cove, Oregon in the Missionary District of Eastern Oregon in 1946/1947. I attended camp at Cove all the way through until high school graduation in 1953. It was Bishop Lane Barton, ministers, and staff who helped me to see Jesus. It was also fellow campers (still friends for life), including my wife of 55+ years, and the ministers who nurtured me as a Christian these many years. The congregations of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Vancouver, WA and now the congregation of St. Peter’s in Seaview, WA. 1968-2014. It has been the love and grace given to me by my wife Doreen and family, including son Al, daughters Pam and Deb, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that have kept me in Jesus’ care and a Christian.


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