Monday, May 19, 2014

The Best Defense Is Offense

As an old football player I was once told by my high school football coach (1952) that if the offense can control the ball and the time clock that is out best defense. I always liked defense more and was still learning in life that a good blocking offensive guard was more valuable!

I want to thank Mary Ann Seward and her take on Bill Harper’s (“Notes From the Vicar of Grace 4/13/14) “Feeling Defensive” along with a 19 page conversation of trivia from OCW crew and others. It reminded me of how defensive we Christians can become...and rightly so! God bless the positive comments coming out of this conversation.

Our last OCW meeting was to talk with someone not connected to Church. It was felt that this perspective was needed about how our beliefs and actions are received by communities and people not directly involved. It was a good discussion, congenial and a lot of similar responses about each other’s views. I best remember out guest’s last question: “WHAT HAVE YOU LOST”? It wasn’t well answered by the defense, but I later thought maybe a little heart and a very weak offense!

We must stop licking our wounds and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, remember our Baptismal vows and respect the dignity of every human being...and oh yes, score a touchdown!


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